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Why Are Sedges Called Plant Growing In Tufts? Grow Guide

In the crossword puzzle that appeared in the NYT on October 27, a hint was poised as “Plant Growing in Tufts.”

The answer to that is Sedges. But have you ever wondered why this plant is called a plant growing in tufts?

Segdes are grasslike plants from the genus Cyperaceae, which sprout from roots or underground rhizomes, giving them an appearance of growing in tufts.

However, there is a lot more to Sedges than meets the eye. Let us explore that in greater detail.

Sedges: The Plant Growing in Tufts

If you ever come across a sedge plant, you are sure to mistake it for some sort of grass. But you must have known by now that it is not.

Sedges have a grasslike appearance with triangular stems and a spiral leaf arrangement.

Their leaves are usually in a group of three, and they grow from underground rhizomes or root structures, which give them the appearance of growing in tufts.

Some of the Sedges form clumps, so you might not figure out the exact sizes; they usually range from a few inches to a few feet tall.

Sedge can grow in full potential in wetlands.
Sedge can grow at full potential in wetlands.

Most of its grass-like appearance comes from its leaves, which are long and slender. However, what separates them from grasses are the flowers.

Their flowers, basically inflorescences, are not that showy and grow in clusters, spikes or umbrellas.

If you get excited by the thought of Sedges in your backyard and want to grow a few, you must be ready to make your yard a makeshift wetlands.

Sedges, and most of the thousands of its other varieties, flourish in wetlands. However, there are a few varieties that can do well in drier conditions as well.

Would you like to read something about the usual growing zone of Sedge, Zone 9?

How to Grow and Care for Sedges?

Well, if you have decided to grow Sedges in your backyard, right now is the right time to start working on it.

Let me walk you through the process:

  • Choose a location that stays moist and damp all the time, or prepare such a location.
  • Prepare well-draining soil and increase its acidity by adding sulfur. You can also add peat moss or other organic components.
  • Choose a variety that would be suitable for your garden or your environmental conditions.
  • You can either plant Sedge seeds or divide the roots of already grown plants.
You can use the propagation method according to your convenience.
You can use the propagation method according to your convenience.
  • For growing via seeds, evenly spread the seeds on the soil you prepared and lightly press the seeds.
  • For root division, take a plant and its rootball and equally divide the rootball.
  • Once you plant the seeds or divisions, you might not need to care for them too much, given their low-maintenance nature.
  • Sit back and relax and watch your hard work paying off in the form of fully grown Sedges.

Basic Care Tips for Sedges

Well, as I mentioned earlier, Sedges are low-maintenance plants, so you might not need to look after them for extended periods.

Below are some of the basic care hacks you must follow for better yield.

  • Water the plant constantly. Sedges love moist soil, so it is important to water it constantly to maintain soil moisture.
  • Mulch around the Sedges to prevent any unwanted weed from growing around your beloved plant.
  • Pruning is important as it will help maintain the shape and discard the damaged parts.
  • If you had not put organic fertilizer in the soil beforehand, you might need to fertilise the plants with a slow-release fertilizer.
  • Although hardy, Sedges are sometimes prone to various diseases and pests. So you might need to keep an eye on them.

So basically, that is all you need to know about the growth and care of the Sedge plant.

Editor’s Note

A grasslike plant with edible seeds!

Did you know?

Sedges have seeds that were considered edible by the Cherokee people in North America and ancient Egypt.

The seeds were called ‘Sedge rice’, and the Egyptians even made bread out of them.