Do you know the Calamondin Orange, famously used to make a fruiting Bonsai tree, is not a true Orange but a hybrid of Mandarin Orange and Kumquat?
Thus, stick with the article till the end so you do not make any newbie mistakes while growing an Orange Bonsai tree.
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Are Bonsai Oranges Edible?
Although the art of Bonsai is practiced chiefly on trees with aesthetic foliage and vibrant flowers, fruiting trees also make excellent Bonsai.
So, citrus trees like Oranges, Lemons can be turned into Bonsai trees without discouraging their fruiting.
The dwarf-sized or miniature Bonsai Oranges are popular with the name Calamondin Orange.
Moreover, the flavor also does not vary and remains true to the original taste of the fruit.
The Calamondin or Bonsai Oranges have glossy evergreen leaves, all-year-round flowers, and tiny golf ball-like edible Oranges.
How to Grow Bonsai Orange Tree From Seed?
In addition to edibility, the fruits of Bonsai Oranges also have viable seeds that you can use to grow new Bonsai trees.
If you already have a fruiting Bonsai Orange tree, wait for the fruits to ripen properly before the harvest.
At first, the unripe Calamondin Oranges are dark green, and with gradual ripening, they become bright Orange.
The germination of Bonsai Oranges seeds is similar to regular Citrus seeds germination.
- Take out the seeds from ripened Orange and run them under cold water to extract all the juice and pulps.
- Soak the seeds for about two hours or leave them overnight to boost the seed germination process.
- Prepare a seed starter soilmix by blending perlite and peat moss, or opt for a commercial soilmix.
- Thoroughly moisten the soilmix before sowing seeds in it.
- You can directly sow the Bonsai Orange tree seeds half an inch deep per compartment in a tray filled with prepared soilmix.
- Alternatively, germinate the seeds using a paper towel and carefully transplant them to the tray once they sprout.
- Cover the tray with clear plastic and poke holes to trap the soil heat and humidity for efficient air circulation.
- Place the seed tray in a bright, indirect sunlit spot with a consistent warmth of 70°F or more.
- Try placing the tray above the refrigerator or use heat pads to ensure optimal soil warmth.
The seeds must not dry out, so regularly use a water spray bottle or mister to keep soilmix moist without causing standing water.
With the ideal care and a conducive environment, the seeds of the Bonsai Orange tree will germinate within 15 to 30 days or two to four weeks.
Once the new seedlings have grown over four inches tall, consider transplanting them into a separate 4-inch pot.
Orange Bonsai Tree Care
The seedlings of Orange Bonsai are fragile and require the utmost nourishment before they can tolerate repotting.
Thus, here are some fail-safe care tips for your Orange Bonsai tree.
- Ensure the temperature regularly fall within 65-85°F and never allow it to dip below 55°F.
- Do not allow the seedlings to become entirely dry, and regularly water to keep soilmix moist but not soggy.
- Place the seedling Bonsai tree pot in bright sunlight while keeping up with the increased water intake.
- An East or south window is ideal for optimal sunlight but opt for grow lights in winter.
- You must not place the Bonsai seedling pot in a place with regular temperature fluctuations, like near the AC, radiators or drafty windows.
- Mist the seedling every morning or place a pebble tray underneath the pot to maintain humidity at around 50-70%.
- Ensure the soilmix is light and features well-drainage as the Orange Bonsai tree detests standing water.
- Aim to water thoroughly until the water oozes out from the drain holes once the top soil layer dries.
- Monthly fertilize the plant in the active growing season using a citrus fertilizer to ensure optimal growth.
Alongside these care routines, regular pruning with excellent care is essential to give the Bonsai the appropriate shape.
You can promptly prune off the plant during the spring and summer but avoid trimming the buds.
Editor’s Note
Apart from Seeds, Grow Orange Bonsai Tree Using Saplings!
The Orange Bonsai takes almost 2 to 3 years to grow and make the first fruits to enjoy.
So, if you can not or do not want to wait that long, aim to grow Orange Bonsai from healthy saplings or propagate one using stem cuttings from existing Bonsai trees.
All The Best!