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Is Magnolia Fruit Edible? What You Need To Know

Everyone adores the Magnolia tree due to their beautiful, large blossoms, but when people focus on the fruit clusters on the branches, the question arises whether they are edible or not.

Generally, Magnolia fruit is edible and tastes like fig or persimmon with a combined earthy, sweet, and mild flavor. This fruit is loaded with health benefits like anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, anti-diabetic properties, etc.

You can eat the fruits of Magnolia varieties like Sweetbay Magnolia and Bigleaf Magnolia.

So, go through this complete article to learn about Magnolia fruits and their potential health benefits in detail.

What Does Magnolia Fruit Taste Like?

Magnolia fruit tastes like a Fig and persimmon with mild sweetness. It’s because it has a complex taste as it has a combined earthy, sweet, and mild flavor. 

Moreover, this fruit has a berry-like taste with a complex mild aftertaste.

Spiny and edible Magnolia fruit
The taste of Magnolia fruit depends upon the species.

The taste of Magnolia fruit depends upon the species. However, the flavor depends upon the Magnolia varieties. Some varieties, like Sweetbay Magnolia, may have a sweeter taste, whereas others may have a milder taste.

This fruit does not have much delicious flavor. Also, if you taste unripe fruit, you may face a very bitter and unpleasant experience.

Although this fruit is not as delicious as other fruits, you can still enjoy the taste as jam, jellies, drinks, and other beverages.

Is Magnolia Fruit Edible?

Magnolia fruit is edible, but most people do not prefer to consume it due to its shuttle taste.

This fruit contains 2-3 seeds, and if you mistakenly chew on the seeds, you may feel a very bitter flavor.

However, ensure the fruit is ripe before consuming it. The unripe fruit is inedible and may cause stomach upset, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.

The ripe fruit is brown and slightly opening on the surface. It’s also vital to remove the seeds before consuming it.

Additionally, this fruit is completely edible to your pets. However, it may cause allergic reactions in some animals.

The seeds are non-toxic, too, but there may be a choking risk. So, it’s better to keep the fruits away from your children and pets.

Magnolia Fruit Benefits

Although Magnolia fruit does not have a great taste, it provides you incredible health benefits containing vitamin C, fiber and potassium.

Moreover, consuming this fruit can boost your immune system, help in digestion, and regulate blood pressure.

  • Antioxidant properties in the fruit help to regulate the free radicals responsible for cell damage. Moreover, it also prevents further cell and tissue damage.
  • Anti-inflammatory compounds like flavonoids, phenols, etc in the fruit help to reduce inflammations and swelling, which is the response to injuries or infections.
  • The anti-diabetic properties in the fruit help to control your blood sugar. Moreover, consuming this fruit also regulates insulin activities.
  • Anxiolytic properties in the fruit due to the presence of compounds like honokiol and magnolol help to reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Neuroprotective activities in the fruit activate due to antioxidants in the fruits that help to protect your brain from damage.

From Editorial Team

More About Magnolia Fruit

If you don’t prefer eating Magnolia fruit, you can use the ripe fruits as a natural dye. The leaves and bark of the tree also work as a dye.

To make the dye, crush the ripe fruits properly and add water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste to the material you want to dye.

After completing, rinse the material in the water to remove the excess dye and dry it for some hours.

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