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Top 10 Best Indoor Plants for Oxygen

A dull interior with impure air costs the indoor beauty, making it always remain vacant. Thus, inserting some houseplants can help you relax and offer a good amount of oxygen. 

Generally, there are thousands of oxygen-producing indoor plants, including Peace Lily, English Evy, money plants, Neem, Spider Plant, and Areca Palm. Besides producing oxygen, these plants help remove harmful toxins. 

So, let’s dive into it and learn more about oxygen-producing indoor plants ensured by NASA Air Study to help you remove degraded air.

Top 10 Oxygen-Producing Indoor Plants 

Indoor air pollution can cause Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), developing symptoms like itchy eyes, runny nose, and shortness of breath.

So, oxygen-producing plants can help improve air quality and prevent these sicknesses.

The following categories will assist you in selecting plants that are suitable for your indoor space.

Indoor Plants for Oxygen-Low Sunlight 

Looking to spruce up your indoor space with some greenery but worried about low-light conditions?

Although a sufficient amount of sunlight is essential for many plants to produce oxygen, some species can survive and thrive on low-intensity sunlight.

1. Peace Lily 

Peace Lily is native to the tropical rainforest of Columbia and Venezuela, bearing a 3-5 years lifespan. 

After maturing, it produces a white flower that can vibrate the dark corners.

Besides flowering, Peace Lily also boasts bright, dark green leaves that arise directly from the soil. 

Peace Lily plants also produces oxygen indoors
The Peace Lily is an excellent choice for people with asthma or allergies.

Additionally, this plant grows up to 3ft tall and can produce around 20% oxygen daily, increasing humidity in a sealed room by 5%.

Besides, Peace Lilies, as houseplants, contain multiple benefits by consuming benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, and ammonia, improving indoor air quality. 

2. English Ivy

Keep English Ivy near your windows or ventilation to maintain its variegated leaves.

Native to Northeastern Island, English Ivy grows up to 3ft tall and consists of glossy, lobed leaves with a distinct vein. 

English Ivy produces 21% oxygen daily and absorbs 89.9% of benzene from the sealed room within 24 hours. 

Aside from its purifying ability, its perennial, tiny, lobed, greenish-white flowers will beautify your indoor garden.

3. Dracaena Corn Plant

Dracaena is an upright evergreen shrub that grows up to 6 ft tall. 

With long, narrow, green, cream-colored leaves and delicate white flowers, the plant hails from Africa and Southern Asia.

Boasting its oxygen-producing ability, Dracaena produces around 19% oxygen daily. Besides, it can absorb about 90% of toxins from the indoor air, especially formaldehyde.

To keep Dracaena plants happy, place them near windows or provide enough hours of artificial light.

Best Indoor Plants which Give Oxygen 24 hours 

Generally, plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis during the day and consume oxygen at night.

Surprisingly, some plants offer oxygen 24/7, making them apt plants around respiratory patients. 

4. Neem Tree

Neems are extensively available in Southeastern Asia for medicinal properties and religious values.

They can live for decades up to 200 years and produce small, white flowers in axillary clusters. 

Likewise, this tree can grow up to 6ft with broad foliage and aids in producing oxygen during the photosynthesis period on a large scale.

A single Neem tree produces 250 pounds of oxygen while captivating 48 pounds of carbon dioxide.  

If you wish to grow them indoors, place them in an area that receives bright indirect light.

5. Tulsi Plant 

Tulsi plants grow up to 5 feet tall and bear oval-shaped leaves with sharp tips; the edges are together with attractive purple blooms.

These aromatic shrubs are native to the North Central part of India, growing as annual and perennial, depending on conditions. 

This is claimed that each Tulsi plant produces oxygen day and night for about 20 hours daily, with enough oxygen for 18 people yearly. 

Place Tulsi at the balcony or near the window to enjoy sound sleep at night.

6. Snake Plant

The Snake Plant is a striking houseplant with sword-shaped succulent leaves and small white flowers on long spikes.

Native to tropical West Africa, it can grow up to 3-4ft tall and last up to 10 years or more if given proper care.

Moreover, Snake Plant can produce around 5-6 cubic meters of oxygen per year, enough to sustain one person for 24 hours.

Like other succulents, this plant filters indoor air, making it ideal for bedroom decor.

Best Indoor Plants Producing Oxygen and Cleaning Air 

More than 4.1% of global people die from the effects of indoor air pollutants.

With that said, the national medical library has shown indoor plants’ benefits in dealing with life-threatening health conditions. 

Chinese evergreen plant produces oxygen
Plants with giant leaves purify the indoor air better than those with smaller ones.

7. Spider Plant 

Spider Plants hail from South and Western Africa and grow up to 22 inches. 

These perennials have long, narrow leaves growing in circular arrangements that drape over the edge of the pot with small white flowers. 

Besides, Spider Plants are champions in removing about 95% of toxins from the air within 24 hours from the sealed room. 

They never fail to make your indoor space incredible if you grow them in hanging baskets.

8. Areca Palm 

Areca Palms can produce yellow flowers with smooth and feathery arching fronds and grow up to 8ft tall. 

They are perennials native to Eastern Madagascar and play a significant role as a natural cooler.

Other than producing around 21% oxygen daily, Areca Palms absorb Toulene and Xyellen while adding moisture to the air.

9. Gerbera Daisy 

Gerbera Daisy is a perennial plant from South Africa and grows up to 6-8ft tall.

Its long, slender, lobed, and cheerful daisy-like flowers are the prime attraction.

Gerbera Daisies can remove half of the airborne formaldehyde, 67% benzene, and 35% trichloroethylene from indoor air within 24 hours.

Besides removing airborne toxins at night, these plants are safe for pets. 

10. Devil Ivy (Pothos)

Devil Ivy can steal the show with its spirally arranged pink-purple spathes.

This beautiful houseplant is native to the Solomon Islands and thrives in an ideal place for a decade, growing up to 8ft.

Though these Ivies grow as tropical vines beautifully, they don’t tend to have flowers as houseplants.

Don’t worry; Devil Ivy can compensate the flowers by producing 21% oxygen and eradicating 90% of harmful toxins from the indoor air.  

FAQs Regarding Indoor Oxygen-Producing Plants 

Which indoor plants are best to be placed in your bedroom? 

You can place indoor plants like Aloe Vera and Tulsi in your bedroom as they can produce oxygen day and night, which will help you to deal with breathing problems and insomnia. 

What is the best indoor plant to clean the air?

Chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum morifolium) are the best plants to purify the indoor air, let alone the benefits of eliminating common toxins and ammonia. 

How many plants does it take to oxygenate a room?

You may need 10 plants per square foot to fill the oxygen in the room. On average, one American house is about 2,300 square feet, so  23,330 air-purifying plants are required. 

From Editorial Team

Ensure your Indoor Plants get Proper Care to Produce Oxygen

Water the plants according to their specific needs, or else they may reduce their oxygen production.

Dust and debris can accumulate on the leaves of indoor plants, reducing their ability to produce oxygen. So, make sure to clean your plants regularly with a damp cloth.