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How to Propagate Hydrangeas From Leaves? [10 Easy Steps]

On the quest to populate Hydrangeas, you might have stumbled on the video where they propagate Hydrangea from leaves.

But despite how easily they propagated in the video, Hydrangeas are hard to propagate from the leaves. Moreover, Hydrangeas are commonly propagated via stem cuttings. And the key to successful propagation is choosing a healthy stem with multiple leaf nodes.

Thus, read on to understand the Hydrangeas propagation dynamics from leaves from the start.

How to Propagate Hydrangeas From Leaves?

Unlike Peperomias, Hydrangeas can not be reliably propagated from leaves alone because they lack the ability to grow roots.

So, Hydrangeas require actively growing parts like stems with leaf nodes for propagation.

Having that said, there are videos showcasing Hydrangea propagation from leaf cutting. These videos seem sketchy, and the comment section has unanswered questions.

Hydrangea stem cuttings
Besides rooting in water, you can also root stem cutting of Hydrangeas in water.

Therefore, opt for stem cutting with the leaf method instead of wasting time.

  • Select a healthy stem with multiple leaves and take a 4-6 inch long stem with at least one leaf node.
  • Ensure to cut the stem right below a leaf node using a sharp, clean pruner.
  • Clip all lower leaves off the bottom two leaf nodes and leave one leaf at the top leaf node.
  • If the leaf on the cutting is too big, cut it in half to lower water loss through transpiration.
  • Dip the cut end in the rooting hormone to encourage faster and better rooting.
  • Plant the cutting in a pot filled with fresh potting mix. Ensure the soil mix is well-draining and features perlite or vermiculite.
  • Lightly mist the cutting to keep the substrate moist but not soggy.
  • Place a clear plastic dome or bag over the cutting to mimic a mini greenhouse if possible.
  • Aim to keep the cutting in bright indirect sunlight and avoid direct sun.
  • Regularly monitor the cutting for potential pest invasion.

Within 2-3 weeks, the cuttings should begin rooting. Then, proceed with regular Hydrangea care.

If you want to try it with leaf cuttings despite the low chances, simply cut the leaf with a stalk.

Then, dip the stalk in the rooting hormone and gently insert it into an airy, well-draining soil mix.

The leaf cuttings should have roots sprouting from the stalk within a month.

Editor’s Note

Other Propagation Techniques!

Besides stem cuttings, you can propagate Hydrangeas via root cuttings and ground layering techniques.

But stem cutting is the simplest and fastest way to populate Hydrangeas without much hassle.

All The Best!

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