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How Low To Cut Bermuda Grass? [Learn The Tricks]

Even after carefully mowing the Bermuda grass in your lawn, ending up with patches here and there might make you wonder how low to cut them!

Generally, you can cut the Bermuda grass to 1-1.5 inches in height during the growing season, i.e., spring and summer. But leave grass blades a little longer in winter to help the dormant root. 

Follow along to learn more about the timing and requirement for cutting Bermuda grass and a few tips at the end.

When To Cut Bermuda Grass?

Belonging to the Turfgrass family, Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) is a warm-season green native to Africa that later spread worldwide.

This drought-resistant grass grows for the runner on the ground (stolons) and rhizomes under the ground. 

Bermuda grass
Bermuda grass needs watering, aerating, mowing, and fertilizing.

Due to its rapid growth and spread, it is among the preferred grass for lawns, golf courses, and tennis courts.

Generally, to maintain the low-growing habit and dense grass, you must cut the Bermuda grass regularly once it starts growing from spring onwards.

However, leaving the grass unattended for longer will make your garden a min-jungle with 15 inches of long grass.

So, ideally, it would be best to cut the Bermuda grass as it reaches a certain height making them visually unaesthetic.

Also, mowing the grass eliminates the chances of flowering, preventing seed growth and undesirable new grass from invading the entire lawn.

Should Bermuda Grass Be Cut Low?

When it comes to mowing Bermuda grass and the frequency, it varies depending on the climatic conditions.  

For instance, in the zone where air temperature goes below 32°F, the Bermuda grass root would go dormant. So, in the winter, you need not to cut the grass short.

Rather, maintain a cutting height slightly above to add some layer of protection to the root and crown.

But summer is the peak growing season for these grasses, and you may have to cut the grass relatively low more than once a week. 

So, here is how low you can the Bermuda grass in winter, fall, summer, and spring.

SeasonsGrass heightMowing Frequency
Spring (March-May)1/2 to 1 inchesTwice a Week
Summer (June-August)1 to 1.5 inches2-3 times a week
Fall (September-November)1/2 to 1 inchesTwice a week
Winter (December-February)2 to 2.5 inchesNo pruning as the roots go dormant

That said, be mindful not to cut the grass extremely low. Instead of promoting the grass’s health and vigor, it will revert the condition. 

Cutting more than the top portion of the grass blade, called scalping, exposes the stem and crown of the grass, leaving them vulnerable to damage and stress.

Despite being heat tolerant, the shorter blades fail to provide sufficient cover for the root, leading to increase evaporation and heat damage.

Thus, this will turn the grass brown, weak, and unappealing.

Similarly, low grass cover allows weeds to have more sunlight and a favorable environment to flourish and take over. 

How To Cut Bermuda Grass Short?

Before you begin mowing the lawn, clean the mower and its blade thoroughly to avoid any peat and disease transfer to your lawn. 

We also encourage wearing protective glass and gardening gloves for your safety. 

  • Check if the grass is wet or dry. Since wet grass tends to clog the mower, proceed only if the lawn is dry. 
  • Set the height of the cutting blade in the mower to 1 to 1.5 inches. You can adjust the height in a way that only 1/3 of the grass blade is trimmed. 
  • Start mowing the lawn in straight lines and overlapping the rows to prevent missed spots. 
  • Make sure to have a steady pace to achieve even cuts. Or else, you might end up scalping the grass. 
  • Employ a string trimmer to cut the grass along the edge of the lawn, around trees, and fences. This helps you achieve a cleaner lawn.
  • Discard the grass clipping in a compost pile or the garbage, and clean the clipping holders.

Pro Tip: Change the mowing direction each time you mow the lawn to promote upright growth.

From Editorial Team 

Mowing Aftercare!

Help your Bermuda grass grow luscious green leaves by adding lawn fertilizer every 1.5 to 2 months during the summer.

Ensure to provide at least an inch of water to the grass once the growth begins.

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