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How Long Does Catmint Bloom? [Confusion Solved!]

Catmint plants have the wonderful ability to attract spring-dwelling pollinators with long bloom periods that may last till prewinter.

Generally, Catmint can bloom from spring to mid-summer, with some varieties blooming till fall, and the flowers last for several weeks. However, Catmint variety, climate and growing season can affect the blooming duration.

Catmint bears tiny flowers ranging 1-2 inches in diameter arranged in clusters, and the color depends upon the variety.

In this article, you will know everything about Catmint blooms, the blooming period, and failproof tips to enhance its beauty throughout the growing season.

Does Catmint Spread?

Although Catmint isn’t an invasive plant, it tends to invade the plants in your garden if you don’t control it.

Catmint’s potential to spread can be problematic and difficult to control in highly populated areas.

Butterfly on a Catmint flower
Catmints have long-lasting blossoms capable of attracting beneficial pollinators.

However, it doesn’t spread aggressively in the controlled area and can be a beautiful addition to your lawn.

Basically, the small, attractive blossoms with vibrant colors can incredibly cover the empty spaces in your garden.

Ensure to pull out unwanted catmint when young, as it becomes woody upon maturity and spreads by self-seeding, seed dispersal, and rhizomes. 

How Long Does Catmint Bloom?

Catmint, often called Nepeta, bears lavender, white, pale or pink blossoms that bloom from several weeks to months long.

Basically, they can bloom throughout the growing season i.e. spring to early summer, sometimes extending to mid-summer.

Moreover, some catmint varieties can bloom all summer long, peaking in the late summer or early fall.

However, the blooming duration may also alter due to various factors like variety, climate and growing seasons.

Furthermore, the individual Catmint flower with vibrant color can last several weeks long during the growing season.

Firstly, the flowers open with bright shades, but the color starts to fade with a paler appearance over time.

Eventually, the faded flowers start browning, wilting, and falling afterward. Leaving them as they are can blemish the garden and cause unusual spread.

How To Keep Catmint Blooming All Summer?

Although Catmint is hardy in zones 3-9, it can’t withstand extreme cold. So, if you are from colder zones, use frost blankets to protect them from dying back.

  • Choose a sunny spot with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  • Water your Catmint regularly whenever the soil feels 2 inches dry.
  • Ensure that the soil is moist but not waterlogged to prevent root rot.
  • Although Catmint isn’t a heavy feeder, feed it with a balanced fertilizer once a month.
  • Applying a bloom booster will enhance flowering rapidly.
  • Prune your Catmint, avoiding trimming the buds for lush growth and heavy blooming.
  • Deadhead the spent flowers regularly to encourage the blooming.
  • Use pesticides, fungicides, or neem oil to avoid pests and diseases.

Catmint requires minimal care, and regular inspection can beautify the edges of your summer garden with colorful blossoms.

From Editorial Team

Benefits of Catmint Flowers!

Besides renovating your garden, Catmint flowers spread amazing fragrances and attract beneficial pollinators like bees and butterflies.

Moreover, these low-maintenance perennials can survive in the lowest water availability and poor soil as drought tolerant.

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