Among Ivies, the stems are the vivid character of Poison Ivy as it’s like a red signal giving the plant its toxic impression.
Moreover, plants like Virginia creepers, Boxelder, Jewelweeds, and Hog peanuts also have leaves similar to Poison Ivy.
So, this article will not only clear the doubts about Poison Ivy’s red stems but also tell about its leaves and confusing look-alikes.
How To Identify Poison Ivy?
Native to eastern North America, Poison Ivy grows as a vine creeping walls and trees.
You can identify Poison Ivy with its red stems, three leaflets, and compound leaves. Also, the middle leaf’s stalk is longer than the other two.
Moreover, the leaf edges may be somehow serrated with a smooth and shiny leaf surface.
A relative of Poison Ivy, i.e., Boston Ivy, looks just like Poison Ivy due to its similar leaves with three leaflets and red stems. Besides, the mature plant has no stalk.
Raspberries and Blackberries are also the look-alikes of Poison Ivy, but you can easily differentiate them as Poison Ivy doesn’t have thorns.
Similarly, Poison Ivy bears greenish or dull white berries, unlike raspberries with red berries.
Furthermore, Poison Oak also has three leaflets without thorns on them to look like Poison Ivy. But, the leaves of Poison Oak contain round tips.
All About Poison Ivy Stems!
When you see Poison Ivy is its stem with a reddish hue. Also, they have the leaves alternately rather than branching directly across.
Moreover, the two leaves are smaller, with small stems, and the longest middle stem holds the large leaf.
When the stem gets older, it may change into a grey hue. Also, the red color of the leaves is not a noticeable feature.
Usually, the leaves of Poison Ivy are green but may turn wholly red and fall off during winter. The younger leaves may be red, but they may change green accordingly.
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Reasons Behind Poison Ivy Being Poisonous!
All parts of the Poison Ivy, including red stems, contain Urushiol, a fatty compound that may cause rashes, skin irritation, and other skin problems.
Almost 80% of people are allergic to this compound, which may remain for years on your clothes if you leave it as it is.
So, ensure to wash the clothes in contact with Urushiol separately and wear full clothes to save your skin before dealing with this poisonous plant.