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Do Hibiscus Flowers And Leaves Close At Night?

If you are worried about your Hibiscus flowers rolling in their open petal close at night, worry not! It is a natural process.

Generally, Hibiscus flowers close or fold at night as a response to the light or darkness, owing to a natural phenomenon called nyctinasty. But, the leaves of Hibiscus do not show significant change like its flowers. 

Follow along to learn in detail about how the Hibiscus flowers close at night is a natural and normal process. 

How Long Do Hibiscus Flowers Stay Open?

Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plant belonging to the family Malvaceae, prized for its bright bell-shaped flower.

Despite the red, orange, white, or pink colored flowers being the main attraction of the plant, the Hibiscus flowers close at night and have a short life span. 

Generally, the Hibiscus flower remains open for a day. Planted in the early spring, the plants produce flowers mid to late in the summer, from June to the fall. 

However, the individual bloom duration depends on several factors, including variety and the nature of the plant, whether perennial or annual.

A portrait of yellow Hibiscus flower.
It is hard to believe that these blooms are short-lived.

The flowers of annual varieties like Chinese Hibiscus and African Rosemallow can only last for a day or two. 

But the flowers of perennial varieties like White Hibiscus and Rose of Sharon can last several days to a week. That said, the environmental condition highly influences them.

What Happens To Hibiscus At Night?

As a day bloomer, the Hibiscus plant gracefully blooms in your garden all through the day during its growing season. 

But as night approaches, the Hibiscus plant starts closing its flowers since they are highly sensitive to light conditions.

The flower gradually folds in as if it is going back to the bud stage, along with faded charm and vibrance. 

Due to little or no light, plants reduce their growth and physiological activities like photosynthesis. 

Why Do Hibiscus Flowers Close At Night?

Hibiscus flowers close at night as part of their natural lifecycle and in response to the change in light intensity. 

This behavior of the plants, including Hibiscus, exhibiting movements in response to environmental cues like light and darkness is known as nyctinasty. Besides, nyctinasty is an adaptive process for plants that help reduce the risk of external factors.

During the day, when there is ample sunlight for the Hibiscus, they open fully and attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. 

But as the sun goes down, Hibiscus gradually rolls its petals inwards, closing the flower.

However, closing the flower at night allows the Hibiscus plant to survive difficult situations.

Folding the flower petals will give less surface area for transpiration, preventing excess moisture loss.

Also, these natural phenomena help reduce the risk of pests invading, feeding, and damaging the flowers, along with protection for reproductive organs and pollen loss.

Hibiscus flowers opening the other day after closing at the night before.
Once the day begins, the bloom starts unfurling its petals.

While it is normal for Hibiscus to close its flower at night, droopy blooms in the daytime indicate a problem. 

Prolonged exposure to sunlight, improper watering, and excess fertilizer can be troubling your Hibiscus.

Needless to worry! Grow your Hibiscus back to proper health with regular watering, balanced fertilizer, and bright indirect sunlight.

Why Does Hibiscus Leaf Close At Night?

First things first, Hibiscus do not fold their leaves like the Prayer Plant. That’s correct Hibiscus leaves will not show significant movement as its flowers.

Generally, their leaves may appear slightly folded, but you’ll not see them completely curled naturally at night. Instead, the curling or folding of Hibiscus is a plant problem due to improper care.

Normally, we tend to overwater the Hibiscus, which may lead to yellow leaves curling following root rot. 

And excess moisture is the best condition to harbor pests and diseases. Pests like aphids, spider mites, thrips, and white flies feed on the sap, leaving brown to black blotches. 

Eventually, the leaves dry out, curl and appear as if it is closed. Use neem oil to kill the pest and prevent its spread. 

In severe infestations, you may need to prune the infected branch.

Further, the lack of essential nutrients sometimes leads to curling, wilting, and dropping of the leaves.

Apply a mild dose of balanced fertilizer once every month during the growing season to encourage better growth and blooms.

If you do not see any movement or growth in leaves, flowers, or the entire plant even after proper care, your plant might either be dead or dormant.

Disclaimer: Do not overdo the care when your plant is in the dormant winter phase. Instead of doing good, the roots will suffer. 

From Editorial Team

Maintain a Warm Temperature!

Sometimes Hibiscus flowers do not unfurl even during the day, as they bloom best when the temperature is consistently warm.

So, make sure to place the plant in a location where it receives ample light and temperature. This helps the Hibiscus flowers grow well and naturally close at night.

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