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Cissus Discolor: Ultimate Grow & Care Guide

The dark-green glossy leaves with iridescent silvery patterns of Cissus Discolor become more prominent under ideal care.

Cissus Discolor thrives in bright indirect sunlight with the warmth of 75-85°F, over 60% humidity, and well-draining airy soil that does not turn soggy with watering every 3-4 days. Also, incorporate monthly fertilization, light pruning and repotting every two years for ideal growth.

The prized foliage can wither and fade under improper care. Thus, read till the end, so you know the loopholes for a flawless care routine.

Cissus Discolor: Plant Overview

The evergreen perennial plant Cissus Discolor is botanically known as Rex Begonia vine but is not actual Begonia.

However, the colorful foliage of Cissus appears identical to that of a Rex Begonia vine plant.

This vining plant is endemic to Southeast Asia, including Java and Cambodia, and is more closely related to a Grape plant than a Begonia.

Scientific Name Cissus discolor
Common Name Begonia vine, Tapestry vine, Climbing Begonia
Native Southeast Asia, including Java and Cambodia
Family Vitaceae
USDA11 or higher
Plant TypeClimbing plant
GrowthAvg. Height: 6-8 feet long

Avg. Spread: 0.75 to 1 foot wide
FoliageElongated, heart-shaped, deep green with silvery-white coloration

Some burgundy blotch and a deep red underside
FloweringSmall yellowish-to-off-white flowers on warm days.

Early spring to late autumn
Plant ProblemsPests: Whitefly and Mite galls

Disease: Edema and Root rot.
Toxicity Non-toxic to cats and dogs

Cissus Discolor: Care Guide and Tips

The beautiful metallic huge leaves of your Cissus Discolor will give your living space a touch of exotic beauty.

Under natural-habitat-like care, they thrive flawlessly, so you should aim to mimic tropical conditions.

cissus discolor care tip
Aim to mimic natural tropical-habitat-like care for problem-free growth of the Cissus Discolor.

1. Light & Temperature

Cissus Discolor prefers to bathe in bright indirect light with a warmth of 75-85°F (24-30°C) and thrives well outdoors in USDA zones 11 and above.

Place the Tapestry vine a few feet away from an east or south window with 1-2 hours of direct morning light for subtle warm sunlight.

As direct sunlight can scorch and leave spot marks on the vibrant leaves, use sheer curtains in a south window.

Signs of Over-exposure Signs of Low Lightning
Burned leavesLoss of coloration pigment
Yellowing and dropping of leaves. Wilting of the leaves.
Brown edges around the leaves. Slow growth of plant.

Similarly, temperature dipping below 50°F can push back the foliage growth causing leggy, wilting and yellowing leaves.

Thus, incorporate heating pads, frost blankets, mulch, or grow lights to keep the light and warmth needs in check.

2. Water & Humidity

Hailing from tropical humid rainforests, Cissus Discolor proliferates in moist but not soggy soil with humidity over 60%.

Water your climbing Begonia every 3-4 days in summer and spring, aided with regular mist in the morning hours. But cut back watering to 2-3 weeks in winter.

Cissus is more prone to suffer from overwatering issues, which require immediate action as it can worsen with roots rotting.

Signs of Overwatered Signs of Underwatered
Wilting of the plant.Slowed growth
Yellow leaves and mushy stem. Drooping leaves.
Falling of leaves. Crispy brown leaf edges.
Development of molds on the soil. Parched soil mix.

Likewise, the prolonged low humid conditions can wither down the plant with brown edges and a crispy dry texture.

So, check moisture levels using a moisture meter or chopsticks to ensure the topsoil layer is dry before watering the plant.

Moreover, follow bottom watering with occasional overhead shower and pebble tray underneath the plant pot to keep Cissus hydrated.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

As Cissus Discolor prefers moist soil, ensure well-draining, nutrient-rich soil (pH 6.0-7.0) with medium water retention.

Prepare an ideal Cissus soil mix by blending peat moss, pumice, perlite and potting soil. To keep soil nutrient-rich, follow monthly fertilization in the active growing season.

But refrain from fertilizing plants in winter to avoid overfertilization issues like chemical burns and root choking.

Excess nutrient accumulation can cause salt buildups resulting in brown spots and yellowing foliage.

On the contrary, plants barely grow and put out new fragile leaves alongside pale foliage from malnourishment.

Thus, to stay on a safe boat with correct fertilization, always read the fertilizer label and dilute it before application.

Alternatively, use organic fertilizers or sterilized homemade or commercial composts.

4. Potting and Repotting

Cissus Discolor shines the most in hanging terracotta baskets, facilitating drain holes, with their beautiful vines.

Thanks to plants’ low-maintenance nature, they stay intact in the same pot for about two years without repotting.

However, you must repot them once they show signs like roots lurking from the drain holes, sudden yellowing and dropping foliage.

On the other hand, plant infected with diseases like root rot brought on by excess water and humidity requires immediate repotting.

Carefully repot the infected plant after pruning off damaged roots and applying root inoculant.

Early spring is the ideal time for routine repotting of the Cissus Discolor plant.

While repotting, ensure the new pot is 1 to 2 inches bigger than the previous pot and use fresh potting mix.

5. Average Pruning

Cissus Discolor is a vining plant that prefers to have its vine trimmed every two months during summer or spring.

Additionally, pruning is essential when Cissus Discolor is invaded by whitefly and mite galls.

In such peril, thoroughly apply neem or horticultural oil and manually remove the pests if feasible.

The nutrient-sucking pests can compromise the leaf’s essence with brown patches and leaf discoloration.

Thus, regularly inspect the plant and apply isopropyl alcohol to prevent a future pest invasion.

On the other hand, avoid trimming plants over 30% and make cuts at the base of the leaf using a sterilized pruner.

Cissus Discolor: All About Growth

The aesthetic Cissus Discolor plant has a fast growth rate and unfurls leaves actively in spring and summer.

However, the growth halts in winter as the Cissus plant undergoes dormancy with low nutrient uptake.

The adult climbing Cissus Discolor can reach 6-8 feet with a spread of about a unit foot.

They elegantly flaunt heart-shaped velvety olive-green leaves about 3 to 6 inches long and 2 to 4 inches wide with silvery-white prominent veins.

Furthermore, the leaves have dramatic burgundy blotch along the veins and margin, while the back of the leaves features a deep-reddish purple.

Interestingly, the stem and vines of the Cissus Discolor also have a reddish hue similar to the underside of the leaves.

In addition to prized foliage, Cissus Discolor also produces tiny bisexual yellow flowers during spring and summer.

cissus discolor plant in a hanging basket
Spring and summer are the main active season for the growth of the Cissus Discolor.

The flower colors ranging from a tint of green to pale yellow, are an inch long and grow in bunches from the axils.

However, flowering is very unlikely in Cissus Discolor despite the ideal care indoors.

With successful pollination, Cissus Discolor bears inedible black, 14-inch berries in non-late summer or early fall.

Toxicity of Cissus Discolor

Cissus Discolor, aka Rex Begonia vine, is not only pleasing to the eyes but also not toxic or poisonous to pets like cats and dogs.

Thus, you can let your pets roam the plant without worrying about houseplant poisoning.

But again, take some minor preventive measures to keep Cissus Discolor safe, as plant consumption can upset the stomach.

Moreover, pets can strangle the plant and harm the Tapestry vine’s prized foliage.

All the more reason to keep your Cissus Discolor away from pets’ and kids’ reach.

Propagation of Cissus Discolor

The Cissus Discolor plant can be propagated via stem cutting and layering methods.

But many gardeners opt for the cutting method as it offers different rooting mediums with easy yet efficient steps.

But before moving on to the propagation steps, ensure you have fresh potting mix, rooting hormone and sterilized pruner.

1. Propagation via Stem Cutting

Choose a healthy mature vine with nodes for optimal growth and failsafe stem propagation.

  • Cut a 6-inch long stem below a leaf node using a sterilized knife.
  • Ensure the cutting has at least two or three leaves.
  • Remove lower leaves, leaving the top leaf intact in the cutting.
  • Rooting in Soil: Directly plant the cutting in the fresh potting soil.
  • Keep the plant pot in a bright, humid place.
  • Cover the pot using a clear plastic bag to mimic a mini greenhouse with optimal humidity.
  • Regularly water the cutting to keep the soil moist but not soggy.
  • Rooting in Water: Submerge the cutting in a clear jar filled with water and rooting hormone.
  • Ensure the leaves are not touching the water.
  • Replace the water every 3-4 days to prevent water from turning stagnant.

Within a month, you can notice new root sprouts in the cutting, and once it grows over an inch long, transplant it to a new pot.

2. Propagation via Layering

Cissus Discolor’s stems can produce roots from leaf nodes whenever it contacts the soil.

So, the layering method is also viable for the propagation of the Tapestry plant.

  • Bend the stem using a piece of wire or hairpin to the surface of a pot filled with fresh potting mix.
  • Regularly moisten the soil using a spray bottle but do not make dripping wet.
  • Within 2-4 weeks, new roots should sprout from the leaf node pinned on the potting soil.
  • Carefully cut the vine off the parent plant using a sterilized pruner.
  • Afterward, proceed with the regular indoor Cissus Discolor care.

Where to Buy Cissus Discolor?

Famous for colorful dangling vines in a hanging basket, Cissus Discolor has ever-growing popularity, making it relatively easy to find.

So, Cissus Discolor is relatively easy to find and is not a rare houseplant. Here are some of the online retailers with Cissus Discolor for sale.

StoresDelivery TimeRange of Price
My Mother Nature1 week $17.95
EtsyAs per the location. $16.22

Steve's Leaves1 week $19.99
Gulley Greenhouse & Garden CenterMonday & Tuesday$14.99

From Editorial Team

To Tame Cissus Discolor, Stake It!

The Cissus Discolor looks more aesthetic in a hanging basket, but you can stake or train the vines using a trellis.

To do so, insert the bamboo or moss totem into the bottom of the pot and carefully tie the plant to it.

Happy Gardening!

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