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Bald Faced Hornet Vs Yellow Jacket: 5+ Differences To Tell

While understanding Bald Faced Hornet vs Yellow Jacket, you can find the unique characteristics that set these similar wasps apart.

Generally, Bald Faced and Yellow Hornets belong to the same family and genus but bear different sizes, appearances, colors, nesting locations, diets, wing sizes, and many more.

Although Bald Faced and Yellow Jacket Hornets share the same family, Bald Faced Hornet is from the genus Dolichovespula. Meanwhile, Yellow Jacket Hornet is from Genus Vespula.

So, dig into this complete article to know the similarities and differences between Bald Faced Hornet and Yellow Jacket with the tips to avoid them.

Bald Faced Hornet And Yellow Jacket: Similarities

Both Bald Faced and Yellow Jacket Hornets belong to the Vespaceae family and have similar appearances at first look.

Bald Faced Hornet on the left Vs Yellow Jacket on the right
You can identify Bald Faced Hornet by X or V markings on the head.

Moreover, both Hornets are large wasps native to North America and widely distributed all over the continents.

  • Bald Faced and Yellow Jacket bear painful stingers that allow them to sting multiple times.
  • Both Hornets are aggressive and show defensive behavior in case of habitat disturbance.
  • Moreover, these wasps build their nests by chewing the wood fiber and mixing it with their saliva.
  • In both varieties, the queen is responsible for laying eggs, and workers collect food.
  • Both wasps undergo egg, larval and pupal stages before maturation.
  • The larvae in both varieties get their food through workers.
  • Omnivoros behavior is similar in both varieties as they feed on insects and nectars.
  • Both varieties bear wings that allow them to fly, search for food, and defense themselves.
  • These Hornets are more active during the warmer months i.e. summer to fall.

Bald Faced Hornet Vs Yellow Jacket: Differences

Upon a closer look, you can see the clear V or X markings on the head of the Bald-Faced Hornet. Meanwhile, such markings are not present in Yellow Jacket Hornet.

FeaturesBald Faced HornetYellow Jacket Hornet
SizeBody: 1.5-2 inches
Head: About 0.3 inches
Mandible: About 0.12 inc
Body: 0.75-1 inches
Head: About 0.2 inches
Mandible: About 0.08 inches
AppearenceYellow or black markingsNo markings
ColorYellow, black and whiteYellow, black and orange
BehaviorMore aggressiveLess aggressive
Nest LocationElevated and open areasConcealed locations
DietInsects and nectarHuman food ang garbage
WingLength: 0.75 inches
Width: Wider
Venation: More pronounced
Position: Flat
Length: 0.5 inches
Width: Narrower
Venation: Less pronounced
Position: Curved

As the stingers of Yellow Jacket are barbed, they can only sting once, and the stingers tear apart. Meanwhile, if the wasp stings you repeatedly, it’s Bald Faced Hornet.

Moreover, the sting of Bald Faced Hornet is more painful and can cause serious anaphylaxis than that of Yellow Jacket Hornet.

Furthermore, these Hornets can destroy the flowers in your garden while collecting nectar. Apply neem oil or insecticidal spray containing DEET if you want to get rid of them.

From Editorial Team

Protect Yourself From Bald-Faced And Yellow-Jacket Hornets

To avoid Bald Faced and Yellow Jacket Hornets, wear dark-colored, long-sleeved clothes when you go near them.

Moreover, cover the food items and seal the garbage as they fly near human food and garbage.

Furthermore, if you find the nests, seek professional experts rather than trying to remove yourself.

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