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Are Daffodils Edible: Myth Or Reality?

Daffodils show similarities with a few famed Chinese vegetables, but they are not diet-friendly, and sometimes people still baffle over whether they are edible!

Generally, Daffodils are not edible; all parts contain lycorine, the calcium oxalate crystals causing severe mouth irritation, gastrointestinal problems, and many other symptoms. Moreover, the bulb is the most toxic part of this plant.

However, Daffodil extracts also contain many anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

So, read this entire article to get a deeper insight into beautiful Daffodils with some eating occasions.

Are Daffodils Poisonous?

Despite their astonishing beauty, Daffodils contain lycorine, a toxic chemical that can cause gastrointestinal problems in humans.

All Daffodil parts, like petals, stems, leaves, etc., are poisonous, including the bulb, the most toxic part containing several black seeds.

From more than 36 Daffodil varieties, including yellow Daffodil, White Daffodil, Wild Daffodil, etc, none of them are edible.

Daffodils cut flower in a vase
Water in the Daffodil vase also gets toxic after you keep its cut flowers.

Although the plant isn’t fatal, Daffodils aren’t safe to keep near your children and pets, even as a cut flower.

Cut-flower Daffodils release toxic chemicals as you place them in the water.

Also, ASPCA notes. Daffodils are toxic to dogs among its list of poisonous plants. 

Symptoms of Eating Daffodils

Lycorine or calcium oxalate crystals in Daffodils may cause severe stomach discomfort if you ingest them.

Moreover, the bulb may cause sharp irritation in the mouth that persists for several hours.

  • The patient may feel cold, shiver, and faint.
  • Some may feel headaches, sweating, and drowsiness.
  • Frequent nausea and vomiting may occur.
  • Serious stomach pain with diarrhea may persist for some.
  • The sharp sensation of burning from mouth to throat.
  • Difficulty in swallowing due to swelling of the tongue and in the throat.

The best way to lessen the symptoms is to flush the poison out by drinking enough water if you mistakenly swallowed any parts of Daffodils.

Also, be cautious while growing Daffodils and transplant them in a place out of reach of children and pets if you are into its flowers.

In case your children and pets accidentally ingest the plant, contact the nearest hospital and pet poison helpline.

From Editorial Team

Story of A Japanese Family Who Ate Daffodils Accidentally!

A Japanese Family mistook Daffodil leaves for Chinese chives and cooked them for lunch. The whole family suffered serious nausea and vomiting within 30-60 minutes.

Additionally, there were 195 accidental Daffodil poisoning in the UK, and a serious patient was also reported to die.

Thus, it’s better to research and know what you are eating. It’s not a smart way to taste anything out of curiosity.