Red Section Separator



Cream Section Separator

Bird of Paradise

Bird of paradise is a giant, reasonably easy-to-grow plant that gives a unique tropical flair to any interior room.

You’ll need a piece of the plant’s rhizome to reproduce a Bird of Paradise.


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Here are some of the most common and easy ways to propagate Bird of Paradise

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The ultimate symbol of paradise, freedom and joy...

Division of the plant is the most effortless approach to propagate the plant.

Propagation Through Divison

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It’s critical to get started with clean tools. Use a sharp and clean knife to propagate the plant. We recommend choosing a pot that is at least 20% bigger than the previous one for repotting. It’s common for divided plants to go through shock and seem weak for a few weeks, but they don’t need any particular nutrients to stay healthy.

Important Tips:

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Luck that is said to bring prosperity....

A gratifying option for those with the resources and environment since it provides an excellent opportunity to learn about Bird of Paradise plants.

Propagation Through Seeds

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Birds of Paradise require exact circumstances to germinate, including plenty of indirect light, temperatures of at least 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and high humidity. To keep your soil moist, spray it and cover it. Once you observe sprouts, continue to take special care of your young Birds over the next few months to a year.

Important Tips:

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Water the plant every 1-2 weeks to keep it wet and healthy. Apply fertilizer around the plant every 2-3 months. Apply 2 to 3 inches of mulch, keeping it at least 2 inches away from the plant’s stem. If the disease emerges, take the required precautions to prevent the disease from spreading to other plants.

Tips to Take Care of Newly Potted Plants

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Caffeinated Historians

January 31, 2020

Red Section Separator